
Feeling: braindead
Ok so just really bored right nowww soo thought id write in here quuick.. This weekend was our 3day weekend soo goood stuff thereee. Friday went to Nikki's after school and we pretty much just hung out all night, listened to her complain about how her mom didnt make her dinner anndd then went to sleep :-). lol Saturday ccamme home from Nikki's and then cleaned around here etc.. went to the football game later. Good job guyyys. After the gamme came back here with Nikki and Taytayyy ate a tonnn annd whhatever.. Sunndayy went to the mall with nikki amy and kristi to get their mom a bday present. lol Those are some interesting kiiids. ;-) I love that family. lol sooo then alison came over and we huung out most of the dayyy. Grounded Sunday night. :-P So thats why im wiicked bored right now. :-) I went to bed at like 1145 last night since there was nothing to do and woke up at like 830 sooo ya know juust waiting for some coolll kids to wake up and calll so they can entertain meee. Gooood stuffffff. Ok so i just pretty much did the most retarded entry ever but mmmmhmm.. More Later.
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