Thins light & tangy

Listening to: voices in my head
Feeling: unsafe
well its day 4 of the holidays, not counting weekend, and im already bored. i think im slowley yet gracefully getting over this diary thing.... i mean its ok but it makes me realise i live a uneventful life :S hmmmm well im excited caus i brought my formal dress on saturday.....its really mad. so now i have a dress...but no date - life just sux doesnt it. like it really does, not ur average bad day all ur bad days melt into one really dull, joyless life and soon you forget what a good day feels like, so u go out and get pissed, only to find that the next day is just as bad as the last with the additional headache and lack of freinds. WELL ANYWAYZZZ i went dacnin yesterday and theres this bit where we have no slide on our knees, and she made us do it like 42 times, or was it 43? newayz it really hurt! so i wake up 2day only to find some sort of burn of one knee, and a massive ugly bruise on the other. so now it loks like i give head jobd all day long!!! grrrrr to dancing! grrrrr to headjobs! well before i bow my head in shame for being so fat ill go. bye to the one person who will feel sorry for me and read this. SHIBBY p.s. fruit pastels r so cool
Read 6 comments
ohh my holy shit fucking god she does look like shellie.

ahahaha yeah i have bruises on my knees too.. *wink*

woo hoo... first comment.

see, never belive them when they say the first time hurts.
ummm yeah
to our

so bored right now....

and one word is in my name


im so gay

love hannah
ORGZMC! hahahahah you loser..nah your not a loser your just slow, really really slow.

man, these holidays hav sucked so bad! its been rainy and cold! grrr!
oops sorry that was me btw...
Hi, Incubus fan by any chance? woot. - x
libby wtf is this shit