15 August 2005 11:43am

Listening to: Finch- Letters To You
Last night was pretty good. I went and hung out with Anthony for a while. We ended up back at his house after going to see Charile and the Chocolate Factory. We decided to fill the hot tub and go in it. While I was in the bathroom peeing I found a condom in the garbage basket. I confronted him about it and he denied that it was his, siting that his older brother had been staying in the basement room (where Anthony is staying now) with his girlfriend for 2 days before Anthony came home. The condom looked old- it had gone from the color condoms usually are to a yellow-brown color that they sometimes turn when old. So I believed him. I mean I don't even have a right to be pissed even if it was his because we are not dating so it would be ok for him to have sex with other girls. But its then principal of the thing. He has been so sweet to me theses past few days- telling me that he wants to stay here with me or have me move down there. And any girl would be upset if someone who is telling them stuff like this was sleeping with someone else. He and I ended up going in the hot tub for about 10 minutes because there was no proper air circulating thru the bathroom so he started sweating pretty quick. We went back to the bedroom and just held eachother for a while. He then took me home because it was getting pretty late and I had to be up this morning to take Joe to work. Anthony told me that he wanted to hang out with me today and take me to Ithaca on his boat. He also told me he had a 60GB photo I-pod that he wants to maybe give me because he does not ever use it. I really hope that he decides to because that would rock so hard-core. I think I am going to go call him right now. I also hope that I get to see him today.
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