mind fart

Ohmyword. I just chugged myself some wine to make the world go down a bit smoother. Don't get me wrong, things have been just fine, just great. I have relatively nothing to complain abut whatsoever. I have a fun job, a wonderful family, friends that are crazy (in a positive way), no addictions, no handicaps. No handicaps including lovers (even potentials!). Yes, oh me, oh my, I feel quite nice, alone in this room (deep in the depths of the basement) half intoxicated because the only attempts I have made in sixteen years have been halfassed. If I wasn't halfassed, I would have been dead. Now, that may be a good thing now, but, you see, then, it was not. If I had done it properly and not bitched out I would be deader than dead. Deadest, if you will. Most people will owe such to their families, their friends, and various professionals. No, my friends, I will say honestly:I fucked up. If I really wanted to die, I would be dead. Yay life. I've been doing a lot of cegep research recently, you see, I have no choice but to attend next year if I want free housing and love from every single member of my immediate and extended family. I want another piercing. And another tattoo. And some real alcohol. And any kind of love, really. I want a lot of things, but in reality, how much of it could I get without putting at least a couple people out? So you see, my friends, it's not purity that feeds my contentness. It is purely the desire to not burden the fools who choose to love me. I haven't written anything in a while. Perhaps I shall. After I join the gym tomorrow. Ha,ha.
Read 2 comments
Haha. You remind me of, me.

I dont know..

Things come to those who wait.
I waited for some certain things for 4 years, and what the hell...

I got it.(him) love

Dont know why im commenting you really, guess im looking for some kind of communication tonight.

added you as a friend, Hope you don't mind.