Just 2222 Prefect

Listening to: locked up{Akon}
Feeling: addicted
Awww,kimmy & sawyer had to play one on one basketball on Friday! Poor thing,she was all "what the hell" looking and she acted like she didn't even want the ball! She was kinda just watchin' him! And Carla, she got over him I guess, but she wants to hear that he dosen't like her from him mouth, not from his friends' mouth or her friends' mouth. I told her that she shouldn't believe her friends because (sheen, sampriti, camilla)wouldn't know love if it bit them in the ass! and it's true! I don't know how our "friendship" is going, we're still friends who say "hi" and "bye". On thursday we were walking together to the buss but then I had to go to Mrs.Lee's room and he went to talk to Alexis Jett. i CAN'T BELIEVE THEY STILL GO TOGETHER! THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BREAK UP ON VALENTINES DAYY!Ryan is nosey- as-hell, when I wrote my last entry, people kept trying to read my entries! and Ryan was like "Monkeypants, what's monkeypants? Are you writing to a monkey?" IT WAS REAL STUPID!"i REALLY WANTED TO write about Justin, but, people we're being soo nosey! I like him alittle bit again, just cause he's sweet and stuff! much luff, I luv Justin again(not really)monkeypants
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just poppin in to say "hiii"
hmm..wow. thanks for giving me so much CREDIT with the bball thing. haha it was really funny though. he is SOO HOTT!! heh..there really wasnt much point though..im not that good at bball. haha GO CHAMBLEE NO-STARS!! yeahhhh!! lol..leave me one.