
I'm at the middle school right now, in my mom's class room. its a blast. i just got done typing my english and newspaper stories. they were fun. I saw Jordan and his mom here. its open house tonight at the middle school. Laurie-jordan's mom- said hey, and jordan just walked by. haha..well i would pretty much expect him to. he has been annoying me lately in spanish class. when he hasnt been annoying me, is a great question. but i just dont have an answer to that one. He told Andrew at the dance friday, that i was "humping other guys" i was like, okay, if thats what you want to call dancing, go ahead. Andrew didnt get mad, but still. Jordan had no right to tell him that, when he came up and tried to dance on me. whatever though. It's been forever since i've updated. its been like almost 2 weeks. i just really havent had time to update. what, with volleyball and school. then i'm with Andrew whenever i get the chance. which isnt very often now that school and football for him and volleyball for me. its crazy. Well, i think i'm gonna head out. its hectic here, so i better head home. && her favorite fruit is chocolate covered cherries && seedless watermelon "Have at it," Meg
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I still like him alot, and he's acting kind of funny around me so i don't no what's going on. I LOVE YOU!
wow.. what a friggon DICK!!
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