[42]This Means War!

It never snows where I live. So i have never been in snow. Last night, with all the thunder and ligntening and rain, we also got Hail. And there was HEAPS or it. So me nd my next-door neighbours had an iceball right:P Sure, they hurt more than snow nd we werent dressed for the occasion we still had fun.. I had to gloves on nd we were making them with our hands, Oh my they were SO red by the time we finished and i litrally couldnt feel with them.. You could of slammed a door on them and it'd just tingle. Neways i had tomes of fun and it took tonnes of hours for my fingues to cum right again, even afta a shower, drying them, putting them by the heater nd even lieing on them while i watchd Tv :P
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hey was up
oi nothing lol, I was just oiing u in general coz u were here and i felt like talking but then u were obviously to cool to talk to me and left so then my oi had no meaning to it, did it, noooo coz u r to cool for skool...and jen...

Lol I duno wat im on about
Lol dude of course I know what rusty is...I dont live in bloody iraq, im only like...across da sea sideways from u...
lol well jen=smart enuf ta no that rusty is a brand
hello sounds really cold you should come to my journal some time