
well tomaro i start my placement at thortonview long-term care facility which means there shall be no nikki at school for almost a month. i know u all will miss me. and i'll miss randy :(...and everyone else i guess. maybe not..hehe. yay im so going trick-or-treating next monday who else wants to come? wat should i dress up as? any ideas?..seeing as how i have none i'll probably be a baby. the easiest thing :)
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I am so there! lol

and i will miss you >_< randy won't have any distractions and he will poke me o_o

i misss youuuu :(
i'll go trick or treating with you i want to and have no one to go with
i would ask teh nikki, but i haven't seen or talked to teh nikki yet...i wonder...are you online?
