3rd December 2009


Time goes by quick when you're drowing in work and get very little to no sleep every night. I want to snap at people for their annoying quirks, like these stupid french transfer girls behind me, giggling away- this is a QUIET computer lab, so how's about you all shut the hell up?!
Look at me, raving away like my life is just horrible. It's not all bad, apart from the insomnia thing, everything is friggin' awesome! I'm getting good feedback on my work, I've done lots of reading, and still find myself quite pleased when lecturer's cut across AJ because she's talking shit, and I get to go home for Christmas and see all my old friends soon.

I saw a guy walk into an open window and fall flat into a puddle today. It was funny as hell, he wasn't hurt, for all you considerate, compassionate people.
By the way, I'm not REALLY feeling gelatinous, but it's such a funny word, I can just picture jelly jiggling along. jigglejiggle. Jiggle. Okay, I'm done. Jiggle.

Noah x


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