everything else matters

Feeling: exhausted
everything else does matter. one little thing should not bring your whole world down. i let that do it to me too much. so ive decided to let one small thing to pick me up and get on with my life. i guess life's not that bad at all. school is still crappy, but oh well. i still have the rest of my life. today wasnt bad, i barely did anything at school. then i had dinner with staci. some of u might not think so but shes a good person to open up to. i have a lot of things to look forward to. senses fail concert, further seems forever concert, and possibly knotts scary farm on the night of halloween. oh and hanging out with kami on saturday, i really miss hanging out with her. we havent had a real talk in a while. saturday will be our night. grrrr...i wanna play a show sooooooo bad. but we only have one new song. but i jsut wanna play damnit. december is our month though. it'll be worth it. i hope.
Read 8 comments
your my favorite.

and your right. why let the little things keep you down.

dennis. dennis. dennis. dennis. <3
hello there!! yeah my little comment thing is from the starting line nice job!! i like them too. i hope u had a good day today. u always right kami poems...ur sooo sweeet :)
you alwats know how to make me smile :D - kamo
your right one little thing shouldn't bring your whole life down. you'll do alright
i was just listening to that song too!
thanks dennis...so when are we going to brun the schools down and run away?
I do miss watching The Here Till Thursdaytones play. O well. I'm so glad your happy Dennis. Good things happen to good people... Rember that...
Now your thinking on the right track!!! Thats the way you have to look at life or else you will be depressed like all the time!!! Thats my look on life.