
is it me or is it you was it my fault did i do something wrong or was i just another whore another girl to use cause thats what you did you used me and then you got rid of me you lied you said something would come nothing came of it nothing but pain sadness oo and not to forget everyone makeing fun of me like i'm some slut thanks for giving me such and AMAZING reputation your a jackass I HATE YOU she was right your not worth it i wish i never met you i wish it never happened if i could go back i woulda have never kissed you to begin with im such a fool to think you cared i feel so used and you dont care your just like him all you wanted was a good time you got it and now well now theres nothing nothing but my hatered why the fuck do i bother i try so hard and its always the same i get used i get played i get lied to well no more not again i've given up congrats cause of you i will never again trust a single thing that a man speaks you must feel so proud to use me like that and then just get rid of me why did i think you were different your the same just like the rest a JACK ASS ASSHOLE JERK OFF PRICK the list goes on and your no jeenyus your a jackass i hope you rot in hell you fucking jackass i hope you die -incredably numb
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he isnt worth ur time babe. and remember whut i told u bout the guys on the forum. i will pm T tonite, and ask him to change his sig. c was just a jackass...kinda creepy if u ask me. HES NOT WORTH UR PAIN! honest.
and j stood for Jeff. hottie ;) lol.