
Listening to: Hawthorne Heights
Feeling: good
Im aT brits we went to ponchos and i spilt the water on the table it was pretty cool dude rica was trying to grab my penis all day it was pretty awesome thats it, i'm good on hel
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lets do what we said we were going to do remember when we were talking about hanging out with them and then invite people over and not even talk to them anymore but the people we invited over
hey there. yeah smooth move yesterday at ponchos. see if we take your mexican ass anywhere again haha just kidding.

later <3
i love you mexican!
Hey loser!!..haha jk, tonight was awesome at the Sub-Seven concert, and guess what? never got me back..YEEAHHH!!!

you're gay
hey baby!you looked soo good today! i wish i could reveal my self to you but im scared:(BUT dang someone given you a suck off!lucky them!later:)