
i stole this from dwayne and tonya. Basics [x] Your gender: Female [x] Straight/Gay/Bi: Straight [x] Single?: Yes [x] If not, do you want to be?: I do not want to be single. [x] Eye color:: bluueee [x] Happy with it?: damn straight [x] Hair color: brown [x] Happy with it?: sure [x] Obsessions?: umm, McDonalds fruit and yogart parfait, Ashlee Simpson Music, These stupid online diaries [x] Have a favorite quote?: i do..."Watching you walk away doesn't make me bitter or cynical about love. It only makes me realize that if I wanted so much to be with the wrong beautiful it will be when the right one comes along" [x] Do you live in the moment?: well sure [x] Do you have any secrets?: i do... [x] Do you hate yourself?: occasionally [x] Do you like your handwriting?: i don't really care. [x] Do you have any bad habits?: everyone does. [x] What is the compliment you get from most people?: umm, everyone says that I have really pretty eyes, but that's it. haha. x] If a movie was made about your life what would it be called?: Confused [x] Can you sing?: hellllll no. [x] Are you a daredevil?: ehh [x] What is your greatest strength?: umm, i can handle situations really well. Like, if I'm really upset I can deal with it. I don't really know if that's a strength though. [x] If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: haha, umm...where do you want me to start? [x] Do you think you are emotionally strong?: Yes [x] Is there anything you regret doing in life: yes, lots. but, i've only been here fore 17 years, so i haven't had too much of a life yet. [x] Do you think life has been good so far?: it's kind of a day to day thing, like today was good, but tomorrow might not be so great. [x] What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: I've learned that trusting people is giving them the ability to fuck with your emotions. Caring about someone give them the ability to rip your heart out. Mostly I've learned that yea it sucks, but eventually you have to get over it and move on. [x] What do you like the most about your body?: ummm, my long legs. even though they are pale. [x] Do you think you are good looking?: i dont know. [x] Are you confident?: sometimes Do You... [x] Smoke?: never bitches [x] Do drugs?: never bitches [x] Pray?: sooooooooooometimes [x] Talk to strangers who IM you?: no [x] Sleep with stuffed animals?: no [x] Take walks in the rain?: no [x] Talk to people even though you hate them?: now, what would be the point of that? [x] Drive?: yes [x] Like to drive fast?: i love driving fast, but damn cops. Would or Have You Ever? [x] Liked your voice?: no [x] Hurt yourself?: yes [x] Been out of the country?: yes [x] Eaten something that made other people sick?: ummm, i dont think so. i used to put nacho cheese doritos onto my pb&j sandwhich. [x] Been in love?: i don't know. I think about the same person day in and day out and when I hear the word love he pops into my mind. But I can't say I'm in love with someone that hardly knows me and that I hardly know. So, i don't know, ask me later. [x] Done drugs?: nooo [x] Gone skinny dipping?: no, and i probably never will [x] Had a medical emergency?: yes, a bad one. [x] Had surgery?: yepp--i had eye surgery in 9th grade because of the stupid chilazion. [x] Ran away from home?: i've packed all my stuff before...and I've tried to, but I never have. [x] Played strip poker?: i played strip bullshit before. haha.. [x] Gotten beaten up?: haha no, but i beat someone up! Even though she likes to think that she punched me because I pushed her, it happened the other way around. She punched me, and then I pushed her and fucked up her ankle, and it ended with her on the grown asking for help and me still standing. ahaha, fucking loser. [x] Thought about suicide?: haha yes [x] Pulled an all nighter?: i have. [x] Talked on the phone all night?: yep [x] Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: umm, i've never had sex...but, i dont know if i've done that. [x] Slept all day?: i've slept until like 5pm before. [x] Killed someone?: bahaha...that'd be so funny. [x] Thought you're going crazy?: haha yes [x] Kissed the same sex?: yeah, but not like crazy, just a peck. [x] Been betrayed?: yep [x] Had a dream that came true?: yes [x] Broken the law?: yes [x] Met a famous person?: yes, matt damon bitches. Beliefs [x] Believe in life on other planets?: they probably have a better life there than we do here [x] Miracles?: yeah [x] Astrology?: yeah [x] Magic?: i love magicians [x] God/Satan: yes [x] Ghosts?: yes [x] Luck?: meh, not sure [x] Love at first sight?: no [x] Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: no [x] Witches?: yeah [x] Easter bunny?: what am I, 4? [x] Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: forever is a loooonnnggg time [x] Believe there’s a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: maybe [x] Do you wish on stars?: never saw a shooting star Friends [x] Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?:no [x] Pick 8 friends? only use them in your answers: (I don’t have 8 friends) Dwayne, Diag, Ashley, Jen, Josh (why not, I’m stuck working with him everyday) [x] Who is your best friend?: Dwayne {x}Who's the one person that knows most about you?: Dwayne {x} what's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: to not make plans….it’s really hard not to…I like to be prepared [x] Your favorite inside joke?: don’t have any [x] Thing you're picked on most about?: being spacey, ditzy [x] Who's your longest know friend?: ashley [x] Newest?: josh [x] Shyest?: dwayne [x] Funniest?: ashley [x] Sweetest?: jen [x] Closest?: dwayne [x] Weirdest?: Dwayne and ashley [x] Smartest?: dwayne [x] Ditziest?: ashley [x] Last person you talked to online?: diag [x] Who do you talk to most online?: diag [x] Who are you on the phone with most?: Dwayne, safe auto..hahha [x] Who do you trust most?: Dwayne and ashley [x] Who listens to your problems?: all of the above [x] Who do you fight most with?:dwayne [x] Who's the nicest?: ashley [x] Who's the best singer?: dwayne [x] Who's your second family?: Dwayne and his family….since they are my in laws :)
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I hope you don't mind if I steal this... I need something to do cause I'm freaking bored!
