she's actually on, it's a sign of the apocalypse!

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: pained
for those of u that actually bother to read my online diary (evelyn, morgan, scarlett)--i'm back, having managed to wrest some internet time from my sister, who in all fairness needs more time to update her various fan sites for all her fave singers. i really need wireless internet school has started, so the stress is beginning to pile on. Honors Algebra II is definitely my hardest class, although this year i actually have a competent teacher. it also means no more sleeping late in the mornings :<. my horseback riding skills have progressed, and i am now allowed to canter with the chosen few on a regular basis. which is good, b/c being sent out of the ring with the people about seven years younger than me was starting to get to me. also, my horse, pete (after whom this diary is named) is being a lot more cooperative. I can only hope he stays that way, b/c there's a stablewide show coming up in a few weeks, and the past two shows, i've been in the botttom in my class. cantering pete is rather interesting. it feels kind of like riding a hopping rabbit. so, until next time, nonexistant loyal fans.
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YAY!! a new entry!!