Woohoo! Let's hear it for Entry Number 3!

Hello, my millions of loyal fans. Well, three. Well, one. Morgan was the only one who commented on my last (short) entry that was basically me whining about Honors Algebra II. But another semester has come and gone, and my Algebra II days have passed (my school is on block schedule). Now my most hated class is Honors English II, purely because my teacher thinks it is fair to give me two quizzes every Friday until the end of the semester and still read multiple books at once. Needless to say, second semester is off to a less-than-auspicious start. Becuase my English teacher is not alone in her quest to overload me with work to the point of a mental breakdown. My Computer Science teacher has joined forces with her, having given me a quiz every single day since the second day of the semester. And several of my friends have noted that their teachers are in on the plot. But there is no doubt in my mind that we will all prevail eventually. Or at least pass all of our courses. Hopefully.
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