Chaotic Exile {Part iii(b)}

Staring at that palace of decay I shuddered. The temperature seemed to be slowly dropping the closer I got and a cold breeze brought unpleasant scents to my senses. Time was endless and infinite here and it felt as if it took days to reach the ancient wooden doors. Yet in truth it took but mere moments before I lay my palms upon the damp wood. Pushing with all my strength the doors creaked open and I looked in upon a large vacant room. Cold sweat dripped across my skin. I felt as if my every vein ran with solid ice. Adrenaline drummed in my ears and urged me forward, into the unknown. Candles dimly lit the room; their glow casting long shadows against what objects lay strewn about. A few flames sputtered and died with the gust of fresh air, a sign that these doors had not been opened in a very long time. As I moved closer a figure became discernable amidst the flickering candlelight. It sat tall and silent upon a throne of flesh and bone. Its form was wispy and translucent and masked within its hood was a bleached white skull. Not unlike those bleached carcasses found amongst the desert sands. Its eyes like great black chasms, sucking in all who caught its vile gaze. “I’ve been waiting…” the hollow voice echoed off the crimson soaked stone and I began to tremble uncontrollably. “No…n-n-n-o-o….” I mumbled as I gradually moved closer to the skeletal form. I seemed to have no control over my own corporeal form, I felt as if I were being sucked in to an endless pit of shadows. I fell then, completely numb, into a pool of what appeared to be fresh blood. Then, knowing my end was soon to come I shut my eyes, and everything faded to black...
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Chaotic Exile {Part iii}

"Who can ever be prepared for such a feat?" I called to the wind, letting the evening breeze carry my words through the sand. Silently I gathered the nerve to move forward, it was now or never. Reaching the crumbling concrete walls that served as a gateway to the city I moved swiftly. To stop now would mean to lose my nerve and already I could feel the adrenaline pulsating through my undead form. Everything about me reaked of death, everything was full of pain and each building seemed to cry out in agony. It all appeared to crumble before my eyes and I wondered if I had lost my mind. I wondered if this was nothing more then a vivid hallucination and at any moment I would awake to a simpler reality. Here, in this place of waking nightmares, nothing was definate. I knew that if I survived this endevour with my mind intact I would be lucky. But it seemed that the odds were stacked against me and I already felt as if I should give up. Moving through the darkened streets with their flickering streetlamps I wondered what had happened. What dark force had consumed this place and destroyed all purity and innocence. I knew these questions would forever go unanswered, but what was the harm in asking. The sound of scurrying rats and screaming buildings were my only company as I wove my way deeper into the vile city. I knew I was closer to the center for the stench of death grew ever stronger. The smell of blood and rotting flesh only continued to intensify until I layed my eyes upon what must have been the town square. Before now that is. Whoever had taken over this place was severly twisted in every sense of the word. For what I saw before my eyes was a picture so repulsive I shall ne'er forget its gruesome face. Some otherworldly beast had made and empire out of death and was lavishing in all its glory. The once beautifully bronzed statue of the town founder, that stood in the center of the square, had been beheaded and human body parts lay strewn across the dilapidated form. Behind it was town hall, now a reeking palace of rot where only maggots dare to tread. The once perfectly kept marble staircases ran crimson with blood and not even rats hovered about. The root of all evil lay just beyond that stairway. Behind those ancient doors of rottong wood was that which murdered innocence. That was were I had to go. This was the point were it would end, here and now. But I had a feeling it wouldn't be that simple...
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I'm so glad it's Friday, I thought this week would never end. And now it has and I'm happy. I have a job interview tonight, in like and hour actually and I'm really not looking forward to it. It's not like I don't want a job, I just don't want this specific job. It isn't to thrilling...and not at all pleasant, but it could very well put money in my pocket. Which is a good Tomorrow I get to go see Les Miserables....I'm VERY excited...VERY excited. Wow, I sound like such a nerd. Then on Sunday I'm hanging with Amanda...should be interesting. LoL. Did you know that a horse will just fall over, with a rider on his back, when he doses off. I learned that at riding on wednesday. Poor Chance-y got tired and fell asleep. One minute he's standing on all fours and the next he's lying on the ground. We all broke out in this huge fit of laughter, it was the funniest thing ever. It scared the crap out of the kid on his back, but he laughed about it later. Wow, we have so much fun at riding. You don't know the meaning of funny till you've ridden with us...we come up with the funniest ideas and stories. ... Well I'm going to stop rambling and move on to other stuff. -Later
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Chaotic Exile {Part i}

Silence and shadow. A peaceful serenity known only to the few. Many of the normal people that inhabitated the planet knew nothing of the peace a dark silence brought for they greatly feared it. Silence and shadows were their enemies for they could see nothing and could not comprehend it's mysticism. Or maybe they could. Perhaps they chose to ignore it's power for they feared the ancient knowledge it gave to all that sought it out. Or perhaps they feared what would become of them if they gained that knowledge for it destroyed all faith they had in the unknown. Knowledge is a reckless thing when combined with a lack of understanding. For one can easily delve too deep and be lost in a pit of neverending darkeness. Yet there are those willing to accept the ancient ways of shadowy silence for they have a simple gift. They are not who they are but what they were born to be. This is my plight The night was cold and moonless when it all began. The only light was the flickering rays of the overbearing streetlamps that loomed like endless towers on the curbside. Yet those rays soon relinquished their plight to the shadows as city met sandy countryside. An urban reality set in the middle of empty lands. A sandy place where dirt met sky and the only witness to atrocites commited was the evening wind. It had all begun here and thus this is where it had to end. A silent battle waged so long ago that was once again to be resumed in hopes of finally ending it. I stood staring at the distant streetlamps that continued to flicker throughout the city. Looking at the sand about me I kicked a rock and it flew forward. Eventually skidding to a stop a few yards ahead. The city is where I had to go and yet the vacant desert lands seemed far more welcoming. A cold chill ran through my spine and I could not make my body move forward. I was held in place by the fear of what lay ahead. My final battle was there in that decrepid city and yet my emotions raged so much so that I could not get my wits about me. "Get a hold of yourself!" I screamed into the air, letting the words be carried away by the wind. I knew very well that no one was there to hear. That was the point. The warm evening wind pulled up particles of sand and I brushed a raven lock from my face. What was wrong with me? Why could I not face what I had for so long wanted to destroy? This eve was warm, nothing like the cold moonless night on which it had all began. And yet I still felt as if history were repeating itself. My icey hued eyes looked to the golden sand about my feet once more before I silently trudged forward. My boots sunk slightly into the shifting sands as I moved and I longed for the warm rays of sunshine. I knew ne'er would I ever be able to experience a sunrise again, not after what had happened. Yet still my still beating heart longed for what was. Relaxing slightly I moved towards the city for now I knew it was only a matter of time before it was all over. Or so I hoped. But what I saw at the entrance of the city was nothing I could have ever prepared myself for. It was far worse then I had ever imagined....
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Chaotic Exile {Part ii}

I couldn't believe what I saw before my eyes. The last time I was here the city was in a poor state but what I saw now was beyond belief. The city, when first built hundreds of years ago was meant to house those on great journeys. They were welcomed to stop and restock on goods and they did just that. It was always a busy place where you could find whatever you needed. The crys of merchants selling their wares droned out even the hum of the wind. As time passed the city became more modernized just like the rest of the world and soon fell into a great state of poverty. For the city was cut off from the rest of the world and no longer did merchants travel to the secluded town. They stayed in their big cities in their big corner offices and got the little people to do their dirty work. But even then, those who had chosen to make their home here lived happily and peacfully. They had little to their name but not a care in the world. For they were free. While other countries and cities fought wars for what they believed in they were left alone. A little city filled with poverty forgotten by the world. But they were rich in faith. Now though, years since I had lasted visited this little place, I was shocked. The buildings slowly crumbled in disrepair and rats larger then a baseball scurried about the streets. Broken streetlamps gave off a flickering glow that came and went. There was no one to be seen. And the smell, the smell was beyond putrid. You didn't need an expert sense of smell to become utterly sick to your stomach. I tried in vain to keep from lurching forward, from vomitting up my last meal. The smell had to be the worst thing about the sad state of the city. There were no words to describe it. It was like death loomed over, decay and rot filled every crevice of the senses. It was absolutely horrid. Then one prominent scent reached my nose and I knew instantly what had happened here. To some scents are just smells that identify things. To others, every scent tells a story. I fell into the latter category. The smell of death and blood told me that those who had continued to live here had been mercilessly slaughtered. That also explained the rats. Another chill ran across my spine as my boot sunk into something on the cold pavement. I looked down to see what had gotten in my path. I guess I was right after all. My foot had come in contact with what used to be a small boy. I say used to because there wasn't much left. He was badly beaten, his face swollen and bruised. Blood pooled about his head and body and maggots crawled through his rotting flesh. I turned my head in disgust. Who could be so cruel? I may have had a reputation for being cold hearted and ruthless, but I would never hurt an innocent. Especially not a child. Feeling the need to give something back to the dead I kicked away the rats that hovered about his form, knawing relentlessly at rotting flesh. I knelt down towards his limp form and turned away my head as the rancid smell reached my nose. I silently picked up his small limp form and with a grief I hadn't felt in years, carried him out to the desert. It was there I buried him, a mile or two from that hellish city. It was the least he deserved, some semblance of a normal burial. I marked the grave with a simple stone and then turned back towards the city, a tear in my eye. I would find and destroy whatever did this. Even if it meant I had to risk my own life. Whoever I was dealing with was far worse then the opponent I sought. Everything had changed. And not for the better...
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So bored....

I'm bored, typical. It's friday and I've not a single thing to do. Not to mention my head is rolling with so many thoughts, for those who know me well, that's ordinary. But alas I feel like I'm going to loose my mind if I don't do something about it. Fun. Maybe I'll right something on paper, or here - let my thoughts run free and let the creativity out for once. Though my stories seem to never end...or at least I can't figure out how to end them...oh well. That's typical me, I ramble on forever with pointless intricacies and details that need to be severly analyzed to be understood. So much the better, the harder to understand, the more twisted it is, the more intersting. At least from my point of view. So here I go, letting my thoughts roll out, maybe one day they'll be useful. I doubt it...
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"How can anyone who even looks at a horse not see their soul? I think the people who abuse horses lost their souls long ago. They're dead inside." -Maggie Changes HFH's Direction, Habitat for Horses. {} It's rhetorical, I know it, but Why Do it? What did they do to you? How would you like to endure the pain they went through? I'm not emotional, i'm not overexaggerating, I'M DETERMINED. One voice may not do an awful lot but at least I'm brave enough to let my voice be heard. I won't stand for it, horse slaughter IS NOT right nor should it be done. Help stop it...END THE PAIN. What did horses ever do to you? That's right...NOTHING. They've served us happily for years and this is the thanks we give them? People slaughter them, consume their flesh, beat them for unknown crimes never commited. It makes me sick. HELP stop the pain and abuse. It's not right. My voice has been heard, my opinion known, what about you? Horse suffering is what nightmares are made of. Educate yourself and learn. STOP THE NIGHTMARE.... "...all we can do is pass our torch to future horse protectors as we get too tired or too old to keep up the pace. Eventually, the horses will cross the finish line as the true winners because of our combined efforts and the torches we all carried for so long." --Enzo Giobbé, excerpted from his 'Never let the flame of hope be extinguished.' farewell speech, December 9, 1999. ((From: -"From red ribbon to red meat"))
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Irritated beyond belief

I'm annoyed, people annoy me. Not all people, just some. Usually the evil ones that do the evil things or people that are just plain moronic. I'm annoyed especially with the idiotic people who think it's okay to slaughter horses. Yes, if you haven't already become aware, horses are everything to me. Might I add I loathe any person, I repeat ANY person who thinks it's okay to be cruel to them or to send them to slaughter. I LOATHE YOU ALL. Why do you ask am I seething with this thought all of a sudden? Because I just learned about the lifting of the 25 year-old ban that saved countless wild mustangs and burros from slaughter. It's gone, poof! Everything that's been worked for is gone in a puff of smoke and it annoys and irritates me to NO end. I am ranting, yes, but if I don't I feel like I am going to explode. I really can't handle it anymore. Thousands of wild mustangs are dead just because they are wild and free and no one wanted to adopt them. Now their dead, and more are being sent to their deaths. Are you proud? I sincerly hope not... I'm going to stop ranting for the moment because I'm about to loose it. I'm frustrated, clearly that's evident. I won't stop ranting until ALL EQUINE SLAUGHTER IS ABOLISHED, it may take awhile but at least I'm voicing my opinion and doing my part. Can you say the same?
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