
I'm so glad it's Friday, I thought this week would never end. And now it has and I'm happy. I have a job interview tonight, in like and hour actually and I'm really not looking forward to it. It's not like I don't want a job, I just don't want this specific job. It isn't to thrilling...and not at all pleasant, but it could very well put money in my pocket. Which is a good Tomorrow I get to go see Les Miserables....I'm VERY excited...VERY excited. Wow, I sound like such a nerd. Then on Sunday I'm hanging with Amanda...should be interesting. LoL. Did you know that a horse will just fall over, with a rider on his back, when he doses off. I learned that at riding on wednesday. Poor Chance-y got tired and fell asleep. One minute he's standing on all fours and the next he's lying on the ground. We all broke out in this huge fit of laughter, it was the funniest thing ever. It scared the crap out of the kid on his back, but he laughed about it later. Wow, we have so much fun at riding. You don't know the meaning of funny till you've ridden with us...we come up with the funniest ideas and stories. ... Well I'm going to stop rambling and move on to other stuff. -Later
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Hehe, that sounds awesome! The horse thing. I'd probably be scared too.
