Heavy Breathing and A gentle Touch

Alrighty then so it's been quite I while since I've last written but a very busy schedual I do behold. You might be wondering about my little history lesson for today. Keep wondering my friends. It isn't coming. I have no idea what you'd like to know about me so if you'd kindly send me a comment and ask a question I'd be happy to answer it. I think that's the best way to do things, don't you? Since I've last written I've found another to break my affections on. No longer and I trapped in the dark pit that is David. But I havent completely left the black pit. I've simply fallen into another one. His name is Greg. Yes what a lovely name filled with suspense and wonder. As I type it, my fingers quiver with desire. Very poetic but that's exactly how I feel. He's a musician you see, and as I said, I have a burning passion for music. Greg plays the saxaphone which I find very perplexing, and soothing at the same time. I think he knows about my feelings for him but I'm not quite sure. If he does (cliche') I'll be a monkey's uncle. I'm sitting here and going on and on about him. Oh how I hate the love I'm in! Life is composed plainly of these two main things: Greg and music. I didn't place in the talent show, I'm sorry to say. And my disposition is that I told myself I wasn't going to cry. But as I fought back those hot burning tears, my heart stopped and I had to breath an immensely deep breath. When I did, the tears just burst out. I couldn't comtroll them and I sobbed silenty and confided into my Mom and Grandparents who came to see the show. Greg I met on Saturday, and I haven't cried once since. I am so joyful that I could scream, but that's not the best idea right now. I might be boring you so iw ill say farewell to you, my friends. I want you to give me mountains of comments, all right? I do enjoy your company, darlings. Forever you grungy headbanger. Renee'
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you write coolishly. All like old englishy but not really. It's cool.