Don't hit me!

I might be crazy but I'm talking to Amanda and Robby.... even after what they put me through.... It's easier to forgive than hold a grudge... way easier.... so call me crazy but it's how I am..... I never told them of how upset I was... I have to stay strong... never let emotion show... I did eventually break down and cry... But I didn't cry long... I'm a trooper... Okay, to get my mind off of things, I'll try to ask yuo guys a question: What is your favorite band? I don't really have one. I love all bands except for that screamy sh**.... The only way I like that is if it has a softer side like SlipKnoT or Hawethorne Heights or The Used or Sum 41 or stuff like that.... So anyway drop a comment and tell me your fave band cuz I am bored as hell and I need something else to think about besides David or Robby or Amanda.... Okay: Renee' never liked David.... she mentioned him in earlier entries to tick me off... so David is my person, not hers.... I'm gonna obsess over him now instead of Robby since Robby is off the market and uninterested.... K... gotta go....
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