Black tips

Listening to: none
Feeling: artistic
So today Brady and I went to south centre and got some semipermanent hairdye stuff. It was black and pink and purple...and so we went to do his hair and washed it and everything and then my mom said he should call his parents and tell them so he did, and it turns out his dad JUST walked in and hes like...uh...NO! you cant. So then we didnt get to do his, but while he was talking to my mom I dyed the tips of my bangs black, and it looked pretty I kept that. And then we figured out that if you wanted to get it out you just have to use dishwashing liquid...and so he called his mum back and they still wouldnt let him...but I redid mine. And then if he's allowed on Saturday or sometime like that we're going to finish mine and do his. Yeah, it'll be sweet. If we can...I hope.... So, i guess thats all....maybe ill try to post a picture if I can get one. :D -TINE
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