
Ive just been sitting here staring into space for the last little while. I know, thats not a very interesting thing to write about, but you can't just make up your life, now can you? Well i mean sometimes im sitting here reading what other people write and im thinking...whoa, their life is pretty sweet...maybe i want my peice of the pie too.. But i HAVE mine...its just different from theirs. I think its self-centered of me not to think so. I have everything i need...and everything I want, it seems. Right away anyway. I cant complain, although I know people who do..and people who should and dont...and people who dont and shouldnt. So yeah, there's all the great events and the proverbial blabbing about society and the social norms, and how the other gender sucks becuase they're mean...and the usual drama...but i guess thats just life. On the other side of the coin... If life was just life, and people dismissed it as such, i...or anyone else for that matter, wouldnt be writing down feelings, or thoughts...and we wouldnt be unique. And that wouldnt be living. -TINE
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Hey buddie, you wanted to know how to get the picture as a background. Well you go into the image manager and upload the image you want as the background. Then once you've done that rename that file to my_backgroud with the proper ext like .jpg or gif. I think only certain formats work. Well there ya go have a good one.
ah ic ic.. can i add u as a friend?