
Yay!!I havent been able to get onto my site in sooo long. so much has changed since my last entry a year ago! sum up: the rest of senior year was pretty good but not that exciting. i graduated- surprise surprise! and i had my first kiss and bf- even if i dont really count him as a bf cuz we went to prom, and on 1 date and then broke up in a voice mail... but i have no regrets about that so... this summer was fun i spent most of it working and hanging out w/ steph and anna. the other girls werent really around that much but i did get to see them at the end. so here i am now- in college at iwu! i really love it here and am so glad i made this choice. i also joined the team here which was probably the best decision i could have made. i have made fast friends with 6 others. we are the freshmen 7- giggle gang as the rest of the team calls us. liz keith jenny mike joe and moostie- i dont no what id do with out them. having such close friends has made the adjustment to college easy. i havent felt homesick at all.. which i no sounds bad but im having so much fun. well im just killing time right now waiting for a phone call from my doctor about wheather or not i have a stress fracture. then ill go to saga when keith and liz call. i have a million things to say but cant get it all out now so im gonna go for now but im glad to be able to update again!!
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boo! u made the next one private...i think i understand why though.