
Listening to: Yeah- Usher
Feeling: bittersweet
Well, today I cried....again. I swear, I never want to cry again...but it will happen. First off, my Mom was in surgery today. She's ok now, but it threw me off for awhile. Then I made some comments about one of my good friends to his brother that I didn't really mean...I was just venting. I get home, and some psycho bimbo isn't trying to get to know Tim, she wants to know if he is hot...and that made me mad. On the bus, the song 'Yeah' by Usher started playing. I hate that song, but it has memories for just about everything else. I feel too uncomfortable in my own skin. I feel like nothing has a purpose right now. On top of all that, one of my friends who works at the same place I do, is mad because I am starting at a higher pay than she is. It's enough to make me sick...or make me want to cry. Seriously, I just want to curl up somewhere and let the world pass me by...or sink slowly into my own imaginary world, where the pain I inflict is my own....
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Hey there, Sprite.

You didn't need to apologize, you know. ^_^ You're always the first person that I know that'll be honest with me about everything. The only other person I'm as open with is Jess, but she has too big of a heart to tell me how it is. Heh...I mean, it's one of the things I love about her, but I know you'll be the first to be straight forward. I didn't take any offense to it whatso ever, honest. I just went back and...
...wanted to apologize to anyone else that might have been bothered/annoyed by me that might not be willing to say anything. And bro is a jerk way too much for his own good. You have my permission to spork him if you please. So, we're all good. ^^

I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I pray that she does well with the surgery and pulls through without any complications.

And congrats on the job, even though theres some jealous...(c)
...feelings going around, no matter what the case may be. I'm thinking of going down and applying. I know a few guys that work there, don't know if they still do though, and it'd be fun to work with friends like you and play arade games on my break. ^_^

Heh...sorry for the long posting, stupid SD and the 450 limit.

Anyways, if you need to vent, call me. The number is 306-1472. It's my personal line and open 24/7 to a friend...(c) you. So, use it. Heck, if you're on lunch at school and no one is around, give me a buzz. I might be a bit dense at times, but you know I've got a good set of shoulders to lean on.

*hugs, smiling softly* No more crying, though, you hear? The wonderful ones like you should never ever stain their cheeks with any tears...tears of joy excluded, of course.

*hugs again cause I can*

I'll talk to you later, Sprite.

Ps:*hugs again*
*hugs* I'm here if you need me 24/7. *hugs again for good measure*