you deserve the BEST.

i don;t know what we're talking but still, you deserve everything the world has to offer and more.

I've been okay i suppose. i mean, nothings ever perfect, but on the other hand i've been worse.

thank you for saying i can talk to you :) you can talk to me too, any time you want. i always read comments, i've just been to lazy to log in for the past few

i'm glad things are a bit better < 333
lol. thanks. it just pissed me off that the one girl said that i was cool and then told me that my diary pissed her off. i just wanted her to make up her mind. thanks for the comment. your diary is pretty groovy itself. :]
yeah, people are icky, lol. but eh, it happens i guess. i haven't been on MSN in foreverrrrrrr...but i'll go on sometime soon, just for you ;) lol. hearts!