
sorry it took so long to write an entry. i live in houston. therefore, i had to evacuate before the hurricane hit. i'm back now. and houston is spared.

how did the football game go? it was great. even though hannah cheered for thomas occasionally, she held on to my arm. which was.. wow. hannah doesnt know it, but i am CRAZY for her. and i feel like we've become closer friends. =] i'm happy. at halftime, we saw the bands and the drill teams, and on the 3rd quarter we went to go get food. we shared nachos and a red powerade. whooo. =]=]=] i'm too smiley. but i'm happy. because hannah and me are friends. hopefully, that will change. =]=]

Read 15 comments
all hopes to you then :)
she seems like a wonderful girl
if she makes you this happy :)
love sarah
aww .. i hope you get your chance with her and im happy 2 hear that you had fun xx meghan
nice. the hurrican evactuation must've sucked, but best of luck with hannah
awww that is so awesome!
good luck buddy
OMG SCARY. Hurricanes strike me as freaky. I am greatful that I am landlocked. Eeek. Its good that you are ok! *hug*
YAY for hanging out with Hannah and having her hang onto your arm. Sounds like fun! Best o' luck to ya!
you're welcome^_^ ah, you had to evacuate, sorry bout that, that must suck, im just really really glad it wasnt that bad and you're okay and all. much love, l8r.

woooo scary hurricanes and dreamy unavailable girls:P...thats awsome! alter ego isnt it....;) HI!!
your cute!
your cute!
Gaah! Where are you, man? I want to hear whats going on in your life!!!
jeff and hannah sitting on the bench...k I S S I N G..first comes blah blah blah blah
Hey its been a while...

about the football game, i really don't like to see good people get hurt. and i can tell from experience that you might.

Don't get hung up on it, i think you should move on, make some other girl very lucky.

You're very good looking.

Have a nice day.
are you dead, i mean okay; you know alive? september's pretty far back...lol or did you finally get the girl?