So since my last entry i've joined the gym and had my train track braces removed. I'm really anxious about this course i'm going on next week. I've got so much to do it's overloading my head. It's not just that, there's also so much pressure on me to pass this. If I don't then the staff's and cadet's opinions of me will decrease rapidly. Not too fussed about the cadets though because they know not to fuck with me. I've been called an Asset to Leicester unit, and they have such high expectations of me. I cannot fail. If I do I might aswell quit and run with my tail between my legs. Not to mention the fact that I get home late Friday and then go on holiday early Saturday morning. It's too much to take in and sort out. This blows. I'll try and get an update in on Saturday night before I go to bed. Later.
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hey luke! good luck on ur course, and hey dont worry about failing it, cuz we all have bad days ay? surely they couldn't blame u for that if u do fail, but im sure ull be fine! :D
have a good holiday too!
frank xxx
(wow did i just use frank in something? amazing!)