much in thought

i just enrolled in summer school driver's ed. i could only have the second session though because the first was closed. i guess it filled up, which sucks. but whatever. as long as i get it done and get my license this summer. then i'll be happy. in other news, in psychology this morning, we watched a video on hospice care and afterword mr.donahue asked us all to, at one point in the day today, contemplate our own death. not suicidal means, but to actually think about whether or not we would be prepared to die if we only had a small amount of time left to live. he asked us to think about what it is that we do everyday and how we spend our time. and why? why do we vegetate in front of the television on our free time instead of doing something constructive? we should absolutely be ashamed of ourselves if that is what we do. to be encumbered by the t.v. instead of doing homework, walking your dog, or even just cleaning up after your goddamned self. now would you be able to look back on your life and say that you have accomplished something important to pass on to the succeeding generation? if not then what the fuck are you wasting your time on? you only have one life, and it's not as long as you may think. you have one life. that's it. i'm sorry to inform the christians, but the jig is up. there is no afterlife. this is no heaven and there is no hell. there is no GOD ALMIGHTY. there is nothing that is stopping you from living your own life like you want to live it. you're not going to hell if you steal or if you are a homosexual. and if you live like a saint and never sin in your life, then i'm so sorry to say, but you are not going to be treated any differently or die with any more grace than a sinning, stench-ridden swine. and this i could not have said any nicer. this is kind of off topic, but there is nothing that angers me more than a bible-thumper. and those fucking jahovah's witnesses. i have a hard time contemplating why anyone in their right minds would ride around on a bicycle all die to spread the word about something that no one even knows exists. i saw a group of then at hardees the other day and they always sat up straight and never leaned on the chairs, for they might wrinkle their shirts. wtf? what kind of life is that? and that woman on the hospice tape today actually thought that if she prayed hard enough, then god would have mercy on her and take her cancer away. she was terminally ill, yet she still thought that god would come to save her. fuck that. isn't that saddening? see what religion does to you? i swear, if there were no religion, then the world would improve phenomenally. there was this brilliant scholar that was named Bertrand Russell. he was an atheist (or at least he was not a christian) and you know he lived to be 98 years old? that's incredible. i'll quote some of the things he said that really caught my attention: “Religion is based, I think, primarily and mainly upon fear. It is partly the terror of the unknown and partly, as I have said, the wish to feel that you have a kind of elder brother who will stand by you in all your troubles and disputes....A good world needs knowledge, kindliness, and courage; it does not need a regretful hankering after the past or a fettering of the free intelligence by the words uttered long ago by ignorant men." also “I say quite deliberately that the Christian religion, as organized in its churches, has been and still is the principal enemy of moral progress in the world.” i agree with the utmost sincerity to the second quote. if there were no organized religion, the world would prosper. people would die with dignity, and no longer be afraid of it. and you know, when i first met my best friend byron, we were talking about religion and his explaination for why he is not a christian is because he thinks that people made it up so that they would not be afraid to die. which is what Russell is saying in the first quote. which, i think, is quite accurate. but anyway, as much as i love ranting about religion, i have to go to another class for tutoring pretty soon. so i'll continue this another time.
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