Listening to: none
Feeling: awesome
Well my week is getting better and better. First I finish my school shoppin so I dont have to freak over that anymore. I guess I'm friends with ♥Julie which makes me soo soo much happier. I am most likely goin to New York with Erin to her aunts forlike 5 days. I'm going to be working there and I'm goin to be making like 400 dollars. So I'm very happy. So yesterday I went to a party and it was alot of funn. I played some football and some basketball. I was good at football I made alot of touchdowns but I sucked at basketball for some reason. lol well we were playin these tall guys so it wasnt fair. but whatever it was alot of funn. I was hangin out with maria and jessse swendson. They are like really cool. Well maria couldnt play cause she had a skirt on so I was mostly hangin out with jesse. Well now I guess I'm not goin to the Villa Roma cause I dont have anyone to go with and then I might go with ♥Jackie on Saturday. I hope ♥Julie can go too. Well my week is planned so thats cool. laterr friends♥
Read 2 comments
omfg i will so b with u on saturday ill b at ur house at like 7ish or so is that good.?? i love you my sexi bestets friend who is BEAUTIFUla nd not ugly lol

Jackie <3333
hey you i cant wiat ot see you i miss u lol.. mayb u can coem over friday unless ur still gunna b at allis whtaever.. call me tommarow at moms but later on at night cuz im goin shopping or like umm i dptn no call julies cell i guess. well umm mayb u can sleep over friday and tehn saturday my mom can bring me n u bakc to your house. ok?

werll luv ya much

you bestest friend forever and evers
