Feeling: alright
over thanksgiving well we got out of scholl early on wednesday. and i really didnt do anything. well i dont remember so it must not be important. thursday.thanksgiving. all my brothers came over. wow and they brought there kids. so i had 20 people in my house. i counted :) cause you know, i'm just amazing. uhm well anyways. i didn't eat much cause i had 13 pieces of bacon for reakfast. yumm ;) uh what else. hmm. well i was going to go on the fourwheelers but the snow was getting my hair wet and i was too cold. brr. uhm i hate some brownies :) they were good. i was pretty much online to get away from the children. friday.josh's brithday. i was thinking about calling him all day but i was kind of shy. well i didnt want to disturb him cause i know he had that paintball war thing. so yeah i didnt get to say happy birthday. plus i thought he was staying atjohns until friday cause that's what john told me but he went hiome on his birthday at like 7. and when i finally got the courage to call josh at johns , johns mom told me john was sleeping so i figured josh was too. ahh i was mad when i fouund out he wasnt. :/ saturday.i talked to josh. yess well i found out everything that happened for his days we didnt talk and i told him mine. :) uhm so i talked to him for awhile. then i was playing uno and ashley's mom (my brothers girlfriend's mom) wanted to get ashley with some whipped cream cause we were eating it. and well ashley put some in my mouth. well actually too much and so i took some out of my mouth and put it on her hand and she wiped it on ashley and then from there it was food fight. it was all good unitl john got me :/ that bastard. haha oh well. uhm and then i had to take a shower cause he wiped it in my hair. and then i talked to josh again. and then from there i was pissed. grr. josh made me so mad and you dont need to know why.!! sunday.jordan's birthday. well my mom woke me up at 9 o'clock and i didnt even know about jordans birthday party until she woke me up. so i had to get up and get ready in 10 minutes :/ but i did it. uhm i was going to go to ashleys moms house before the party, but i had to go see my grandpa. he isnt doing good. :/ uhm so i went there and left at 10 and then i had to go to wal*mart to get a present for jordan. i got him these cool toys. then at the party. well john and jared went and i versed john at dance dance revolution in fun and games. it was so awesome. but john is a retard. i saw ashleigh there. i forgot that she worked there so i talked to her alittle bit. uhm the arty was cool but thats all that really happened that was exciting. then that night. my brother came over and they linked the x*boxes and i didnt do anything. so tat was gay. john went home though :/ i was sad. haha so then i played vice city until 12:00 and then went to bed. this morning.basketball practice. it was so awesome. we didnt have to run much and we just messed around. we played with the parachute thing too. it was so awesome. we only had 8 girls there though. even better. uh so yeah and then i came home and played vice city for awhile and then the x*box alittle. and then i came on the internet. and now i'm bored. tomorrow.school. yesss finally. i miss school. i hate not bring there for awhile. so i'm happy we are going back. and i get to see ♥joshh. :) yaaay. and im over that whole being mad thing. whatever i dont even care. i guess i was just scared that he would breakup with me for what he said but everything is all better. ;) so yeah. now i have to go do my homework so that sucks. it's only reading though. so its all good :) later babe ;) ♥josh.i love you
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