(121) passport

today was full of stress and nervousness...i woke up and after i got the mail i realized that my passport wasn't in the mail...BAD BAD BAD!! i was supposed to get it today so that i can get on my plane tomorrow! so i called the passport hotline thing and they said that is was mailed today...GRRR!...so we (we being geddes and perkes...mostly them but some of me) made a million phone calls and finally geddes got an assistant from senator hatch's office to talk the passport people in north carolina into reissueing me a passport and expressing it to slc airport and tomorrow morning me mum and i are leaving about 4 to be to the airport when the place opens. and my plane leaves at 8:50 so it will be a tight squeeze and if my passport isn't there i think i am going to burst into tears and not expose myself to sunlight for several months! on a lighter note if every thing goes according to plan i will be going to europe for a week and a half! so exciting! i can't wait! i am kinda nervous because of the extra long flight but it should go well and all the sight seeing should be amazing!! i'll write about it when i get back! much love!!
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YAY! Europe rocks. I want to go back. Happy traveling!