This Weekend

friday night movie nightat dustins. it was me dusitn julie stacey and heather. we rented hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy and the new texas chain-saw massacer. hitch-hickers was the dumbest damn movie ive ever seen. texas chain-saw was pretty cool. then i tickel heather and dustin was like r u happy now hes tickleing you again!!! and then stacey chimed in but i dont member what she said and then heather gave dustin a look that should of killed him and then tickled him cause julie was sitting on him so he could moved away very quick. then i went home. staurday i got up early and got dressed and everything then called dusitn and was like has julie called you yet and he was said no she wont answer her cell. so i went over to dustin then finally she answered her cell and we went over to her house to help her move. it took only 5 hours to move like everything they own. and the only heavey peice of furniture was her moms dresser witch by the way was a bitch to move. ma and dustin had to stand it up on its end then pretty much bear-hug it it get it out the door and then put it on the trailer with out breaking the legs off. it sucked. then when we got to her new house we had to carry it up like a 8 set(set of stairs with 8 setps). then dusitn spent the night at my house and i went and rented batman begins and kindom of heaven. both movies were fuckin awsome. sunday had to go get my hair cut. i fuckin hate my hair now it was so long and how i wanted it but my parent made me get it cut. went to the sk8 park for the whole day. it was fuckin sweet. i got so many of my tricks back. and oh yeah i fell 2 twice really hard. so yeah im hurting pretty damn bad right now. but i wanna go sk8 sometime this week again. i need to work on my flip tricks so i can get them back.
Read 3 comments
thanks for helping move if it wasnt for u guys wed be so screwed lol.
im bored too and im in spanish, i never pay attention in this class and i think im failing. but oh well.

ooh yeah and...IM COMMENTING UR PAGE DAMMIT! haha
hey yeah im bored too. well good, someone poked u for me, because of what u said at lunch lol. ur tired of what? being in pain? or...yeah..
ohhh. ahh im so so so bored. lalalaa.
