thats awesome.
doesn't it get like, REALLY hott there?
hahah i bet =]
what's the hottest it gets out there?
ew.. veggies are gross. MEAT IS AWESOME! save the meat.. eat a cow!!!.. oh yeah... cute pop ups. i love that song.. cant say i love dashboard tho. but.. good song!
I myself do not care for tootsie pops. It's a weird mix of fruit and chocolate, if you ask me.

Doing the vegetarian thing is pretty cool. I myself don't, as I don't think there's much for me to eat otherwise, but it's cool that you're doing it.

I'll admit that I watched the new episode of laguna beach with my sister. Haha, we make fun of that show all the time.

Ah. Take care.
Im actually going out with a guy named Jeff.
i like that game to it was mindys idea and i am goign to try the pop rock thing on david lol ill tell you if it is kool for sure
hey be my friend lol please
Oh. Thanks.