survey AGAIN

Really Long Quiz.. 110!

Created by fabricatedlie and taken 237 times on bzoink!

-Le Basics-
NameMargaret Patricia Walsh
Birthdate05/21/94 May 21 1994
LocationHonesdale PA
Any Pets?yes
Food?Pizza and Monzzerella sticks
Drink?Root Beer
Animal?Frogs and dogs
Person?mom and dad
Actor/Actress?Actor-Orlando Bluhm Acteress- Kiera Knightly
Movie?Troy and Napoleon Dynamite and To Kill a Mocking Bird
Band?Saucy Monkey
Book?Harry Potter
Thing to do in free time?computer
CD?50 Cent
Song?Candy Shop
TV show?Gilmore Girls
Sport?karate and Bball
Color?Blue and green
Body part?legs
-Least Favorite...-
Food?meat (i am a vegetarian)
Drink?Grape Juice
Movie?Star Wars
Band?Brittany Spears
Book?Captain Underpants
CD?Classical Music
Song?a classical song (sry Kim)
TV show?Ed Edd and Eddy
Do You Have...
A journal?yes
Pick one
Coke or Pepsi?coke
Boy or girl?girl
Friend or Lover?friend
Stop& Shop or Shaws?stop and shop
Ben & Jerry's or Brighams?dunno
CVS or Walgreens?Walgreens
Hot or Cold?hot
Simpsons or Family Guy?Simpsons
Emo or Metal?metal
Day or Night?day
Fate or Suicide?fate
Reading or Writing?both
Listening or Talking?talking
Renting movies or going to see them?going to see them and if i like em ill rent em
Sleep or Insomnia?sleep
Last Thing You...
Laughed Atcant remember
Talked todad
Atepizza last night
Drankice tea
Heldmy ice tea
Heardthe key board clicking
Readthis question
Cried for4 get
Fought withowen
Have you ever...
Gotten drunk?no
Been bungee jumping?ya @ da fair
Cybered?no but some 1 asked me to and i didnt no what da heck the were talking about
Went a week without sleep?no
Attempted suicide?no
Confessed your love?no
At 4 AM??
Been In Love?no
Bitten your hand until it turned purple?no
Died in your sleep?no
have your dreams come true?ya
Talk to yourself?ya
Cursed at yourself?no
Curse at your imaginary friends?no
Gotten a tattoo?a fake 1
Yell at your parents?ya
When's the last time you did something for the first time?right now. itz the first time i turned my dads radio on
What's the most important thing to you right now?i duuno
Would you rather give up your vision or your hearing?hearing, i no sign language
What is the one thing you think of that always makes you smile?umm
Describe your perfect boyfriend/girlfriendnone
Can you sleep with your eyes open?no
What would you do if you could spend a day with your favorite celebrity?umm, probably invite all my friends ova and get a LOT of photos
What's something/someone you would die without?my mom
Do you let yesterday use too much of today?uhhhh
Have you ever look at the mirror in anything but disgust?ya
Do you treat love as a noun or a verb?noun
What's the prettiest thing you have ever come upon?me!!!!! LOL kidding im not vain
If you had all the money in the world, how would you use it?well i buy everything and then give other ppl some (as if)
What time is it now?10:58 a.m.
Are you tired?no
Do you feel like a mess?no
If you had 5 minutes to live, who would you call?my family
And why are you waiting?4 what

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