my survey

Hey, this is the survey i created!

Do you agree

Created by SpazMonkey1 and taken 0 times on bzoink!

Do you agree?
Blonds have more funno way
Blonds are stupidnot all
Golden Retreivers are the kindest dogsusually
you should use all the meat on the animal you kill then waist itya
AOL Messenger is better then MSNya
Computer is better than TVya
If you dont go to college you get a bad jobsometimes even if you go 2 college you get a bad job
if you go to college you get a good jobusually
School rocks?NO
if you said yes to the question above this you are a weirdoyes
Pizza is better than ice creamequal
blue is better than redya
Friday the 13 is unluckyya
most men are stronger then womanNO
Men deserve more then womanNO
in segregationno

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