Basketball Camp

Feeling: accomplished
Today was my last day of basketball camp. It lasted all week from 9-5 and as much as I complained about it, I'm kinda sad that it's over. I met a lot of new people which was really cool! I met this girl from Hammond named Lauren who I thought I didn't like. I guess you can't judge someone just from their basketball game. She was really funny and sweet. I met other girls too who were cool. Joanna & Carolyn were there with me & Calle too. We hung out with them and it was soo fun! Having Calle there was really good. I think that was a good "bonding" experience for me and her. (If you would even call it that) We had a great time and it made me realize how close me and her really are. I never really realized it I guess. Now, with Amye moving away, I feel like I'm losing a part of me that was there and now is gone. I have plenty of friends, but some that are just really special to me? Sorry if I sound corny of whatever. Me and Lori have been becoming friends since the beginning of the year. I'm glad she is my friend cause she is hilarious. I'm thinking of having some girls spend the night. (Me, Calle, Amye Kate, Lori, Leslie, & Meg) There is one person that WONT be coming and I'm sure everyone knows who that is. It's not my problem if she hates me. Anyways, I won hustler award at camp. I was very proud of myself! :) 30 hours of basketball camp has finally paid off and I feel like I have accomplised a lot this past week. I'm reading a book called "The sisterhood of the traveling pants" It's actually pretty good. All for now... later
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Hey Miss Molly Wolly!! Thank you for calling me hilarious, ur pretty cool yourself! Congrats on the hustler award even tho i have no clue what that is