Get Your Shine On!

Listening to: the tv
Feeling: smug
This past weekend was AWESOME. I really need to be studying for exams, but I decided to write an entry! Friday- I was so happy that Friday was our last full day of school. We had a party at lunch. Meg's dad brought pizza and eveyone else brought other stuff! Thanks Meg! After school, I went to my brother's baseball game. It turned out to be a really good game and my brother's team ended up winning! I hope they win their tournament. After the game, I came home to pack all of my stuff to go to Amye's house the next day! Saturday- Saturday was an AWESOME day. I was looking back at one of my old entries and it said that one of my "wishes" was to go to a Jesse McCartney concert. I guess some dreams do come true! We picked up Calle first and then went to pick up Ashlee. The car ride there was so fun! We stopped at the rest area and had a hard time trying to get our snacks from the vending machine. We finally were able to get the food out. We got to Atlanta around 1:30. Then we got ready speedy quick to go out to lunch. I was stressing majorly because I wanted to get in line for Jesse McCartney's concert so that I would be able to see him. We went to lunch and then my mom drove me, Calle, Ashlee, and Amye to Earthlink live. We got there around 3:30 and we were pretty close up in line. Jesse's tour bus pulled up right in front of where we were standing in line. We all didn't think that he was actually going to get off the bus, but then we saw Katie Cassidy and knew he must be on it too! Then, he got off and everyone was screaming. I got a picture of him waving so I was happy! We were finally able to get into Earthlink after 6:45. Everyone was crowding around the doors trying to get in. Amye became very clausterphobic. lol When we got to the stage area, Ashlee and Amye went to the stadium seats while me and Calle went down on the floor next to the stage. So many other girls came crowding around us. They started pushing me so I pushed them back. Some moms were yelling at teenage girls because they were pushing their daughters. (My mom was sane enough just to drop us off for the concert) Ingram Hill opened up for Jesse. They were pretty good! Then, it was time. Finally Jesse came out and I was SO excited! Me and Calle were screaming and yelling. We were only 6 feet away from the stage. I took a lot of picutres. Jesse is SO hot in person. He actually sounded really good live! He danced pretty good too. It was cute. At one time, we all thought he was going to take his shirt off. It ended up being only his jacket. HA. He brought up a girl on stage and sang "Take you sweet time" to her. It was so sweet. He held her and gave her a hug. I would have been crying. That was so sweet and I wished it could have been me! Finally, the concert was over and it was time to come home. :( I was sad. I can't wait to see Jesse in Columbia!! I am SO excited!! We came back to Amye's house and went to sleep around 1. Sunday- We got up and went to play tennis in Amye's backyard. At first it was me & Amye versus Liana and her cousin, Kyle. That was funny. Then, Mr. Kloss and Amye's uncle came out and played with us. Finally, Calle and Ashlee woke up and came outside playing with us lol. It was really fun. After we were done playing, Mrs. Kloss took Calle, Ashlee, Me, & my mom to see Amye's school and what not. I had already seen it before, so I knew what to expect. Then, we went into this neighborhood that had HUGE houses. I am not kidding. One house was 2+ acres. It was HUGE. We had to pick the lock with a credit card lol. Another house me and Calle went in had an elevator in it. We were all getting lost in it. Then, we had to come back and get ready to leave. Monday- I've been watching tv and studying for exams. I only have 4 days until school is out and I am SO excited. I hate exams, and I don't think I'm studying as much as I should be. Ahh, I need to do well on them too. I guess I should go! Bye!
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MOLLY! omg i had so much fun with you this weekend! it was AWESOME! the concert was so good! can't wait to see you tomorrow! haha. -ak