
Listening to: Sigur Rós
Feeling: torn
The dramas and eccentricities of daily life that people find so fascinating, quite frankly, aren’t that significant. The earth isn’t going to plummet off of its axis every time a car runs out of gas; the sky isn’t going to shrivel up and implode all because some person happened to have sex (heaven forbid!) with her boyfriend. Whether I’m speaking in generalities or specifics, it’s all the same. Your grandparents were teenagers once…does it nurture your passions to know just whom was going out with whom sixty…seventy years ago? Does it strike you as important to have an extensive knowledge base on who was labeled what? But those details were so important, so essential to the life of Emmaline McHale of Milwaukee, Wisconsin or Ted Smith of Albany, New York that it was the very center of their own adolescent world. Yet it has no significance to us, living here today, living now! And still, we live our daily lives as if we are the most important beings to ever grace this earth. That every minute detail in our own lives is worthy of a colossal spectacle; while other’s worries hold less meaning because they are not in the center of our own cerebral world. Such is human nature, I suppose. But just a few thoughts. When approaching old age, as you begin to see that life moves on even without you, does it give a sense of insignificance? Is it terribly harsh to come to the realization that half your life was spent worrying over something that wouldn’t matter in the long run? But to put it that simply is somewhat demeaning people’s existence all together. I am not intending to sound pessimistic, quite the contrary. I believe in experiencing and talking about and indulging in such ‘insignificant acts’ (to a certain, altruistic extent)—such as smelling the flowers or going for a walk or talking with a friend. But I suppose whatever we may do- whomever we may associate with, wherever we may go- will always seem insignificant to someone, somewhere. So it should not matter what others find inconsequential or trivial, because whatever we are doing IS consequential and important. Simply because WE are doing it, and because it FEELS essential to us in the moment. As long as one does not look too far inward into their own self, we all should come out fine even with a little indulgence once and a while. It's all about the happy medium.
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People are inherently worried about the here and now so much that the forget what's to come.
Though in their defense, the here and now is more tangible than what's to come- significancies aside.
I don't know. I mean, the here and now is as important as what's to come is- the former shapes the latter, if anything.
Just worry about what your activities are, and let the others worry about theirs.
That sounded more self-centered than I wanted it to sound, but I think you understood my message all the same.


P.S.- I don't like Sigur Ros too much. I have to be asleep in order to enjoy them.

No, wait- yeah I do like them.

P.P.S.- the scroll on my mouse is broken. It's kind of an incovenience and is making me unhappy.
show me a picture of you
i don't know how i'll able to survive without you next to me, much less in a different country. If you by some weird chance are able to check this across the atlantic, send me some kind of sign to let me know that you're alive.
PS, I've been checking the new reports periodically throughout the day, and so far there is no information regarding a transatlantic plane crash. thank god!

Honey pie you are making me crazy Im in love but Im lazy So won't you please come home Oh honey pie my position is tragic Come and show me the magic of your Hollywood song
You became a legend of the silver screen And now the thought of meeting you Makes me weak in the knee Oh honey pie you are driving me frantic Sail across the Atlantic To be where you belong Will the wind that blew her boat Across the sea Kindly send her sailing back to me.
Honey Pie is great, but what about Wild Honey Pie???

Honey Pie
Honey Pie
Honey Pie
Honey Pie
I love you.