Survey about me!

a p p e a r a n c e HEIGHT: 5'6" HAIR COLOR: Dark brown SKIN COLOR: ummm tan... EYE COLOR: light brown PIERCINGS: in each earlobe...used to have 2 piercings in my right cartilage but i took them out and now im getting an industrial done in my left ear! TATTOOS: no r i g h t n o w WHAT COLOR PANTS ARE YOU WEARING?: Blue WHAT DO YOU SMELL RIGHT NOW?: saltwater from the beach on my clothes HOW ARE YOU? Sunburnt d o y o u GET MOTION SICKNESS?:Nope HAVE A BAD HABIT?: yea GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENT(S)?: No LIKE TO DRIVE?: I wish f a v o r i t e s 4 FAV TV SHOWS: CSI:Las Vegas, The L Word, That 70's Show and the Daily show w/ jon stewart CONDITIONER: dont use conditioner my hair gets too oily from it... BOOK: I am Morgan le Fay NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINK: Orange Soda THING TO DO ON THE WEEKEND: Hang out with friends or go to the beach BAND OR GROUP or SINGER or RAPPER:Hole, System of a down, otep, Ludacris, petey pablo, and simple plan(stfu i like them) h a v e y o u BROKEN THE LAW: Yea RAN AWAY FROM HOME: nope, but seriously thought about it SNUCK OUT OF THE HOUSE: a few times but i never did anything bad EVER TIPPED OVER A PORTA POTTY: hells yes USED YOUR PARENTS' CREDIT CARD BEFORE: yea with them 2 inches away from me FELL ASLEEP IN THE SHOWER/BATH: Yep, multiple times BEEN IN A SCHOOL PLAY: Yea, in 4th and 5th grade LET A FRIEND CRY ON YOUR SHOULDER: Ofcourse l o v e SEXUALITY: lesbian CHILDREN: none, but might have them one day CURRENT CRUSH: my Honeycomb, Jenny BEEN IN LOVE?: Yes HAD A HARD TIME GETTING OVER SOMEONE: yea, but so over them now BEEN HURT?: Yes YOUR GREATEST REGRET: Dating guys r a n d o m DO YOU HAVE A JOB: nope YOUR CD PLAYER HAS IN IT RIGHT NOW: Garden State soundtrack IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE?: Mac N Cheese i loved that crayon as a kid WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY?: Everything WHO MAKES YOU THE HAPPIEST?: My Honeycomb WHAT'S THE NEXT CD YOU'RE GONNA GET?: IDK WHO DO YOU CONSIDER GOOD FRIENDS? All of mine are good WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO?: Everything! at once! when / what was the last TIME YOU CRIED?: today YOU GOT A REAL LETTER?: April before last YOU GOT E-MAIL: today THING YOU PURCHASED: Kawabunga fries @surf burger TV PROGRAM YOU WATCHED: Fuse, Daily Download MOVIE YOU SAW AT THE THEATER: Mr. and Mrs. Smith...
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that was really weird!!