I'm over him..

Feeling: confused
Well, I'm finally over him...Yep I'm over him, I talked to him today and well I figured out that he just isn't for me and well now I know that he isn't the guy for me I just need to figure out who is...I mean it's so hard to find the right guy for me...someone who is sweet, romantic, cute, everything...I just can't find him..and I know it sounds strange but somehow I know that he is out there...I know that one day I will find the right guy for me and even though my life has been filled with tons and tons of bad experiences...somehow my life will turn out to be the cinderella story..:)....well gotta go finish my homework...later
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thanks for commenting on my journal! yours rocks. love the colors! thanks for the advice to, your awesome.
Hey cutie!
How are you? lol...well, i love you and you are awsome! Thanks for helping me with my diary! You soo totally rock! I LOVE YOU!