Bam Dinger

Feeling: good
Hey whats up? I have to type this stupid thing for science.... Weathering and erosion... BLAH! Anyways... I didn't have school today so I am sitting at home acting like a bum and doing nothing... In lit yesterday Tanner sat next to me and we hitting each other the legs.. and I kicked him and hes all Kicking is illeagal in this game... then I hit him " too hard" and he yells " PENALTY!! you hit me to hard" and then he pushed me off my chair " as a joke" and I was like Penalty intentional grounding... anyways Happy Fiday! - Karissa
Read 33 comments
hey hows it going
hey! yours is pretty too!! do you really surf?!?
heyyy im not up to too much...just getting in from the FREEZINGGG cold damn i cant take it anymore lol..whats up with you?
LUCKYYY i had school today..but i only had classes today and yesterday lol so i guess i shouldnt complain too much! aww that sounds like fun...i have work the weekend in a FREEZING cold hokcye rink=(
yeah i know those kinds of things and i try hard to understand them... hahaha.
hey. I got your comment, and i will gladly help you, but I am a bit confused. which entry do you want me to give you advice for?
Just comment me and tell me and I will help you out.

Thank you !!!!
Thanks, yours is very cool too. Surfing rocks.

hey thanks 4 welcoming me! i luv ur diary its cute! i need help with doing the backgound though becasue when i do it it doesnt work right, like i put it under the header info like erveryone tells me to, but it doesnt show up. plese help! thx bye!
Was it just like final exam kinda stuff? Oh and i love that really random story bout you n that kid... Sounds like a story you tell and no one understands or thinks its half as funny as it really was... I think its funny!!:D
thanks thats very nice of u
um well im from ottawa kansas bout 30min away from ku the kansas jayhawks represent i love b'ball and i play volleyball i love football and i want the eagles to win the superbowl
yeah, the movie is REALLY good. Well, the critics dont like it for some reason, but all of the normal people that wrote a review liked it, and everyone I've talked to that saw it loved it. I did. I'd recomend seeing it.
hey! thanks for helpin me with my background! i finaly got it bye!
hello....nothin much to say....just bored.
Sounds like you have way too much fun in class. LOL
um tell me where ur from cuz i love b-ball and u seem pretty coo so tell me bout ur self
later nichole
hey, thanks.
Yours is pretty cool too B-)
Thats all i do sometimes! Dont feel like a bum... You could just be a really really sexi ass... HAHA GET IT!?!?! yeah... sorry. We had this stupid MEAP testing. Its this test that reallly has no point and i hate it... UGH! We have more next week and i wanna shoot my selff!! (not really)
Naw, I'm lazy, theres no doubt I'm lazy. I woulda seen like are we there yet or something stupid like that... I just didnt feel like bothering to ask or going at all. It seems like such a stupid movie anyway. (no offence if you like it) how was your day? And also, ive been trying to keep shorter entries so ppl might read them and comment... Haha, im a dork.
thanxs for the comment! i like ur diary 2! ttyl cj
nm nm whats up with u
o well that sucks too... hope u and i get better soon! :)
haha intentional grounding... nice lol
eh not really..n then also goin by my uncles tonight..n i do'nt wanan go there!! well gotta eat!! ttyl!!

eh nothin real big..but i have to go up to homestead for this competitoin to watch our varsity cheerleaders n that's basically it...
u playin or watchin?
oo that's cool!! so got n e plans this weekend?
o wow!! 2 hr difference here..i thought it was only like 1 hr!! lol well at least yer at home right?? ... why r u at home n e ways? day off? er sick? or skipping =o
damn what time do u usually get out of school?? ... well here it's 4:41 idk what time it is by u
hehehe so how was your day off??
have fun typin that dumb thing for science :-p