One Month

Listening to: The Clash
Feeling: excellent
HURRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! yesterday was Sarah and I's one month.. *jumps all around* it was pretty cool. I bought her a half dozen roses and some other white flower that looked cool with them.. : P I hope she liked them. Anyway, so we went driving around broad street for a while until we found somewhere to stop and eat.. haha it took us a while since neither one of us make decisions at all.. : / but yeah we went to Julian's and had manicotti or some such and carried some bread home in a bag *shrugs* i told sarah she looked like a peasant with her little sack of bread.. um yeah anyway.. so then we were gunna go up to tower records and browse, but it was closed, so we drove on up to barnes and noble and perused some books cause we're cool like that. then we went and rented a family guy season dvd from hollywood video and went over to my house to watch it. we didn't get like 10 minutes into it before her mom called and was all super pissy and wanted her home.. it really sucked, and i felt really bad because sarah and her mom apparently had a fight after i dropped her off, she was kind of upset about the whole thing, which is understandable... i just don't see why her mom had to be all awpoejfpj about it, especially on that night.. *sigh* i dunno.. hopefully i'll be able to see her some more this week. we'll see how things go.
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