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SPELLING MAY BE BAD SORRY I'm a mother myself, and trust me when i say not having a kid is much easier then having one.Lets start from the beggining. I was 17 when i got preg 18 when i had her.At 3m pregent, my daughters father cheated on me so i had to leave him. i graduated 5months pregant. with some of the money i got from graduation I bought a crib for 89.00 (not including tax)and it was the cheapest one at walmart. I had to quit my job of 2 years when i was 6m pregant the worst things about being pregnant were: Stretch marks, getting fat,worry about how your going to feed your child, swolen body, and making sure you have everything you need. My next step was having the baby ok ya it sounds easy its NOT! It hurts!you know the baby will be here soon but oh no how it takes so much longer then you want. I had a C-section that is when you get cut though the stomic ya they give you meds to help with pain for like 24 hours but when the medcs are gone oh hell it hurts to more and to cough then they come in and ask "Have you passed gas yet" Ive never been asked that so many times in like 24 hours of my life. Then its time to go homeand your happy for like the first week then you realize its not like palying house anymore.That the baby has needs like feeding, diapering, attention, clean laundry, clean house, and more attention.My daughter is now 11 months old and she still needs all that! Im playing hard house for another 17years and 1month, but even after that im still a mother. I love my daughter and shes worth the hard work but id love to go hangouth with my friends and do something with out having to worry about her. Just please girls and guys always use a condom I didnt and look at my life. Birthcontrol isnt everything i was on it and i still got pregant. If you want a kid have it in the futrue. if anyone has any ?'s feel free to email me at teresalakkotia@yahoo.com
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