I miss you, my skanky stupid ugly mean girly

My little girly, she looks really cute in a particular gray sweater with a ponytail. But it sheds and is too warm, that's the price you pay I guess. More and more now I think I couldn't find another girl to go out with. So even if I didn't like her the most out of like several billion people, I wouldn't dump her. I only have three people I would consider friends anymore. Jake, Matt, and my girlfriend Jackie. Yeah I don't like many people. In fact because I don't like so many people I assume that all of the people I don't know I hate. Because there's a one in 1 million chance that I will. Maybe that's a little negative, but it's true. I really really miss Jackie. In fact I made a fantasy world of how I wish life could be. It's alot like this only. .... Dream thing.... It's a boring saturday, and I'm sitting on the coach watching Gundam Wing with the windows open because its 65 out. My dad walks up the stairs and pulls out something from the fridge, snacks on it and drinks a glass of water before heading back downstairs. I lean back in the couch and look at the ceiling for a moment. The ring of the doorbell jolts me up, but before I can get up the door opens and I hear a car drive down the street. I speak in a monotone fairly quiet voice, "Who's there?" Though I already know who it is. I try to hide a smile, but it doesn't end up working out so well. And she runs up the stairs to greet me with a hug. She's wearing a shirt with a turtle on it and two pig tails. On her right shoulder is her purse with buttons all over it and she's got her cordero pants with the little rip on the bottom of one side. I lay my head on her's and close my eyes. I remember thinking, "I want to remember this", only all I can't remember the way she feels and rubs her face in my chest. And I shut off the stupid tv and walk with her into my room. I half shut the door and hug her really tight and fall on my bed. We scoot over untill we're both on. Then we lay there on top of the covers and I hold her around the shoulders. And we fall asleep most blissfully. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Then I wake up just before dinner and look at her smooth face and her loosely shut eyes. I rub my fingers down the side of her face and feel the warmth of her cheeks. I smile again and fall back to sleep. When we both wake up it's nine and my parents left us alone, so I drive her back home and walk her up to the door. I open the door with a courtly bow and stick my hand out for her to grab on. Her parents look at me and so I hurry up and walk back down the steps to my awsome red sports minivan (no I'm fantisizing) my awsome red supercharged minivan. And drive home. Then I eat and fall back asleep so I can hurry to tomorrow, which is another day off and another day to see her. Oh and I really hate kyle fahey. I wish he was dead. He asked to see my sketchbook, but I wouldn't let me, because I hate him. GO DIE KYLE. Miss you, bye like
Read 2 comments
The surgery was just to get my wisdom teeth removed. Nothing drastic or interesting.

You managed to keep my interest through this entire entry and that says... you write good. I used to hate a lot of people I didnt know too. But I started to talk to more people recently. I found they really aren't that bad. Plus, i had one thing in common with most of them. They also hate people. So it all works out. Kinda.

bye like. or something. heh.
nice diary
you sound very happy :)