13 Days!!!

Hello Everybodeeeeee! Lol, totally random Sesame Street moment there, sorry! 13 Days!!!! *does a little dance* 13 Days!!! *does a little dance* *squeals* IM SOOOO EXCITED!! My baby comes home in 13 days!!! He's been away at boot camp for the last 3 months and I'm missing him like crazy!!! Still have no idea what I'm getting him for XMas. Come on people! You're not doing your jobs!!! lol just kidding. But seriously, don't be afraid to make suggestions. He's a 20 year old guy who is in the Army. I'm thinking maybe a silver chain to match my class ring because he wears it on a gold one and gold and silver mixed together drive me up the wall!!! I've got his BDay present (Dec 20, sucks for me lol) already and it's the sentimental one, so I'm thinkin practical for Christmas! Lol HELP!!!
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I'm awful at this

Yep, the title really does say all. I suck at diaries so I don't really know why I thought that I would be able to keep up an online one. It's actually more complicated than a regular one because I don't really have that much access to a computer. At least, not when I have free time. Hmmm, what to say? Well, Anthony will be home in 16 days. He is at Ft Benning in Georgia for basic training and I'm missing him like crazy. And we are leaving for Chicago for the dance competition in 17 days. I'm really glad because Anthony gets to go too. Still having major troubles as for what to get him for Christmas. I'm awful about shopping for guys for Christmas, unless they are family. Any ideas anyone? Any and all is greatly appreciated!
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Here I Am

Okey dokey. Well I'm sorry it took me so long to actually put this entry up. I bet that gets really annoying to find a brand new diary with no entries. lol. It's been sitting here, empty, for about 2 weeks. Fisrt off, I'm in an extremely bad mood cause my art teacher is being a complete brat today. I always get along with her really well, but she has just had a bad attitude all week. I'm not the only one whose noticed, either. Oh well, if she wants to be extremely rude, then I'll just ignore her. I get to go to Evansville tonight. Kinda excited. Haven't been there in about two months lol! So Jess and I are gonna go tonight and eat, shop around, then go to a Haunted House. When we get back to her house we are gonna watch The Ring and The Ring 2 and then in the morning we are watching The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Super excited. Well now that I've managed to write a completely pointless entry, I'll just get off here! lol! Next time I'll tell y'all a little about myself, sound good? Love ya all, Trisha Jade
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