13 Days!!!

Hello Everybodeeeeee! Lol, totally random Sesame Street moment there, sorry! 13 Days!!!! *does a little dance* 13 Days!!! *does a little dance* *squeals* IM SOOOO EXCITED!! My baby comes home in 13 days!!! He's been away at boot camp for the last 3 months and I'm missing him like crazy!!! Still have no idea what I'm getting him for XMas. Come on people! You're not doing your jobs!!! lol just kidding. But seriously, don't be afraid to make suggestions. He's a 20 year old guy who is in the Army. I'm thinking maybe a silver chain to match my class ring because he wears it on a gold one and gold and silver mixed together drive me up the wall!!! I've got his BDay present (Dec 20, sucks for me lol) already and it's the sentimental one, so I'm thinkin practical for Christmas! Lol HELP!!!
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okay, you know what? ask justin what you should get your baby for christmas... i'd tell you, but he does it so much better...... lol love ya!
