ahhhhhh im so scared
Listening to: none
Feeling: schizophrenic
im so scared im shaking im gunna die im gunna die i know it tommorrow i have an MRI and their gunna knock me out cuz im clousterphobic and their gunna put me in a tube help me im so scared what am i to do im gunna die i know it
Read 4 comments
ok breath and count to 10... in and out in and out.... ( yeah that didnt sound right! lol) you will be fine and if you do die I will get revenge for you!
jesus girl. dont die. lol.

"a deep breath in a deep slice down the puddle of blood that all surround sweet tears are wept for her young soul has left "

^wow. I really like that little saying. did u make it up?
I read the Tourniquite poem. That's really good...It's like..deep. lol

Do you really feel like you want to slit your wrists and die everyday? :/

Hopefully not
Thanks! Yours is nice too. Goodluck with your MRI and everything. =)