well today was better then yesterday

Listening to: whiskey lullabye
Feeling: better
Well today is a better day then yesterday...Got some stuff done that has needed to be done for awhile now. I have made a promise to myself that i am not going to let another man make me feel like this. I am better then this shit and don't need it. I want to go to school next semester for what i have no clue. I just know that i need to do something with my life to better me and my son so that i know he will have a better life then what i did and be able to grow up with stuff that he needs and wants. I might try and get my RN or go be a cosmetologist who knows what the days the weeks even the months and hours holds for me. Something better i hope. Well for now i am getting off here so i can go finish with the house work but this is to the person YEA thanks for the comment it feels good to hear from some new people that is what i need a new life new people and new well everything ttyl -carrie-
Read 4 comments
Hi Carrie. I am sorry that you arent' feeling very good. I am so glad to hear that you aren't letting a man hurt you again, I know that it is hard. But not every man is an ass, some of them like Dean(Yea) are really good guys. the trick is finding them. If you ever need to talk to anyone, feel free to vent on my diary. I am one of those people who live to help other ppl be happy.

Yea Dean Is my baby. THanks for the comment, I Know.

Going to school would be a great opportunity for you...I love being at school...you meet all kinds of new interesting people...and no matter how bad you think your life is...you find someone else who is having a worse time. I didn't realize how good I had it, until I realized the problems some of my friends had. The unknown is scary...but it'll be totally worth it. Good luck!
Going to school would be a great opportunity for you...I love being at school...you meet all kinds of new interesting people...and no matter how bad you think your life is...you find someone else who is having a worse time. I didn't realize how good I had it, until I realized the problems some of my friends had. The unknown is scary...but it'll be totally worth it. Good luck!