
Listening to: AFI-The Leaving Song
Feeling: desolate
That song ^^ above is one of the most amazing songs I've heard in a while. I don't know why it seems so amazing. It just does, I love it, makes me think of not being depressed, like that will ever happen. Maybe it's making me think of death, that'd make more sense right? I guess maybe. 4 days until the trip, yay, my dad should be getting the suitcases out today and I can just pack everything now, cuz I won't be leaving this house until then. I stayed up 'till 3 in the morning watching movies, and woke up at 11. I didn't even realize it was that late. I want to go to the thrift store but that seems unlikely, since my mom wants to clean up the garage, it being such a deathtrap. It's were unwanted items go to vacation but never come back, like the bermuda triangle. Ok, I'm done rambling, I'm just really tired.
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Hey, I guess I'm not the only one with absolutely NOTHING to do. Blah. Summer is depressing
i knew it sounded familiar. thanks. :)