you insist to pull me down

Feeling: bleh
I just spent a billion hours making polaroid icons. They're awesome, I want a polaroid camera, they rock. I may be getting an electric. Its like apple red, and cheap, and comes with an amp and stuff. Its pretty cool. I want it. The Distillers are on IMX today, I think....haha I haven't watched TV in forever. Hoobastanks 'The Reason' video is soo interesting, kinda wierd, but cool. I dunno, I hated the song until I actually listened to it. Haha, that'll teach me. Did we forget? Kurt Cobain February 20, 1967-April 5, 1994. I miss TBS. Are they putting out another album, what the hell is going on with them? I'm getting tired of Tell All Your Friends. forget me. its that simple
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Simple makes me think of Simple Plan, and then I think overrated and then I think converse and then i think my next door neighbor who wears them and then i think school and then I get unhappy.
lol, that is some weird analogical thinking.
Psst, the answer to the other thing was twenty seven and a half minutes.
bet you never guessed.