
Feeling: better
Well 2005!!.. my first entry of the new year.. this is where it starts.. out with the old,in with the new. -- New year, New Boys, New Beggining. Old:(dec 31) Last night i got a txt message from chris sayin he didnt want to go out ne more, then i was sad, so i went to jacquis, and they were soo drunk and being stupid, so i went to tylers party, and got soo drunk, and then i went back to jacquis and i called chris, and he was like wtf i didnt text yu i didnt have my phone all day alex did i dont wanna lose you blah bla. then i passed out. New:(jan 1) ha ohh man, waking upp this morn was such a mistake, i was so fuckin sick, it was terrible.. haha but me and jacquie and like 5 other ppl went to humptys for breakfast.. puke much holy shit -*Note to self.. dont eat there ne more*- then i came home, to find out chris fucked some bitch last night.. so thats pretty much over. newest (jan 1.. and on) i decided that im gonna spend my last couple months doing pretty much watever, then after my 16th bday, im gonna settle down. look for something thats worth looking, worth the time i spent looking, and worth every heart break ive had looking for him.. :) .. hopefully it works.. ahha i want a meaning ful relationship soo bad, enuff of this stupid bull shit 2 week bein cheated on.. used etc by guys.. but any ways ima header.. paaaayce,
Read 4 comments
aww.sounds like a plan brit.you will find someone to go steady with,i did.so if i can you can,i know you can.
well brit.i love you and dont forget it, and i will be there to support whatever dision you do make. love you britanie.
i know you dooo babyy ,. i know you do ..
things will werk out one way or another,
i promise.
i love you
Chris sounds like a dick. sounds like you had fun on new years tho ;)haha.

I Like your diary.
hey brits
you need to uh UPDATE a little bit
i dont have anything to read anymore.=(
i love you bye bye